With over 13 new productions each year the Student Theater-association Amsterdam (STA!) is the largest student-run theater organization of the Netherlands. As a member of the board I oversaw the Production and Promotion duties of the board. I was responsible for the promotion and production of the various performances we were to put up in the season 2020/2021 and I was also responsible for the promotion of the association as a whole. I was directly in charge of the Promotion Committee and the various Production crew members, both of whom were responsible for their own productions. Unfortunately this season wasn’t like any other and besides doing the regular tasks I also became responsible for overseeing the Covid-scenario’s for the performances, where and how would we be able to perform? I kept in touch with the various theatres every time the government sanctioned measures would change and in tandem with the boardmember responsible for the directors themselves we made sure that at the end of the year we were still able to perform almost half of our planned plays, and broadcast the solutions we had created for the rest of them. Among other things plays had gotten filmed or changed to audio-plays.
I learned a lot of organizational skills from my year as a member of the board. I learned to act under pressure and I learned to adapt every time new corona measures were announced. I also learned to work with different types of creative minds and I learned how to balance their needs and wants with realistic expectations.